The EIBN is a consortium partnership of European bilateral chambers of commerce in Indonesia (Britcham, Dancham, Ekonid, Eurocham, IBAI, and IFCCI). The project is initiated and co-funded by the European Union and aims to enhance business opportunities for European companies in Indonesia and to promote the Indonesian market in the EU as a high potential trade and investment destination.
Quarterly basis, the partner chambers of EIBN are organizing a Joint Gathering. The aim of the gathering is as a platform for European business and interests to network with each other. The October 2019 edition of EIBN Joint Gathering was held at Keraton Hotel Jakarta on October 16th 2019. Eurocham is hosting the evening with IFCCI as a co-host in collaboration with the other chambers.
DanCham was represented by Mr. Primadi Wahyuwidago S, board member of Dancham to open toast with the other chambers’ representatives.
DanCham look forward to other collaboration with International Chambers in other edition of informative and social gatherings.
(Image courtesy: EKONID)